Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Tuesday 8th January 08

I was woken far too early as had a late night.... and I took the kids to school, as I had agreed to do last night, as Gill was expecting a tough morning, however they were perfectly behaved!

It was good to see some of the good folks at school and wish them a happy new year.. including the head teacher who is happy for me to submit something to the Board of Governors about sustainability, hooray!

I got going with paperwork when I got home, wrote several letters and sorted out a pile of old paperwork looking for booking letters and receipts etc, for the accounts Gill is starting to put together. Then went to the post office and Woodlands to hand-deliver the donation cheque I'm giving back to them as a thank you for all the wood this year!

When I was totally fed up with paperwork, did a stint down the garden and reduced the pile of unprocessed hedge... but added significantly to the pile of sticks to cut up... it's now 2m high and will take hours to cut up and bag up... but useful kindling for years I should think!

I got the boys at 3pm and they came home in good spirits and I did another bit of work in the garden before the light failed.

A pleasent evening, Gill experimented with some spare dough that had been in the fridge for a couple of days, putting it in a heavy iron pan on a low griddle on the hot woodstove... and cooking it to a flatbread consistency, it turned out ok once the alcohol smell had gone... the time in the fridge had allowed it to ferment a bit! Had this as a midnight snack.

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