Friday, 4 January 2008

Friday 4th January 08

A quiet day, foot has recovered completely and I spent much of the day removing hedge between our garden and our neighbours'. I did quite a lot but not much shredding, so I have a ginormous pile of hedge to process into compostable twiggy bits and sticks for next year's stove lighting kindling. It is going to take a couple of weeks to process all this... the pile of sticks is already over a metre high and it will make many sacks of material for drying... I'll use potato sacks I've brought back full of compostables and saved for re-use. If I put the sticks in plastic sacks they'd go mouldy but in paper sacks they'll dry nicely stacked up in the garage.

I enjoyed my lunch... some tomato soup made from thrown away tomatoes, a pepper, celery, spring onions and a potato to thicken it. Made yesterday, it always tastes lots better the following day, and was wonderful alongside a peanut butter and marmite sandwich.

After tea, which was rescued brussels sprouts and bulgar wheat, I went to the Minster to meet up with any Critical Mass people who chose to come out on a wet and cold night. Only 4 other people showed up, so we decided not to have a non-critical non-mass, but a drink at the 3 Legged Mare, a pub near the Minster that I've never been in before. My Green Festival buddy Baz was there, and we decided that a York Green Festival 2008 would be a good idea and would be easier the second time around. Baz offered to deal with the difficult and obnoxious Festivals Officer, whom I cannot deal with very easily without speaking my mind. I was happy with this, and will be happy to be on the team. We will have a public meeting on 6th Feb, 8pm at the Black Swan. I'm to do the publicity for this first planning meeting. I feel really happy about this and thank Baz for being willing to do some of the 'official' stuff.

Came back via Sainsbury's for Ribena, mayonaise and goats cheese for Gill, got one of their lovely seedy loaves too.

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