Thursday 20 March 2008

Thursday 20th March 08

An exhausting day.

Woke early as in an unfamiliar place on a carrymat on Anna's living-room floor. Anna and her daughter were getting ready to go to the little girl's breakfast club and then Anna to go to work. Anna took her child to the club and then came back to have her breakfast, get her lunch ready and then she walked with me to where she could point out where the bus stop was. There was quite a long wait for the bus and when it came the driver said he wasn't going all of the way and I'd have to change buses. However I chatted to a friendly old lady who used to train greyhounds for racing, and that helped the hour with 2 bus journeys go more quickly.

Eventually got to Kings Cross/ St Pancras and found the info about a train which would get me to where I wanted to be.... and it left at 11. I split my journey and visited a friend, getting back to York at 5.3o... but the roads were packed and the bus home didn't come til 6.10, getting in at 6.40. I'd phoned Gill from a payphone in the station and she had a baked potato ready. I had to go out again at 7.10 to go and pick up the key to Space 109 where there was a meeting of York Green Festival at 7.30.

This was a very good meeting, well attended and I'm so glad that Baz is heading it up this year and my roles are smaller and well-defined. The meeting lasted 2 hours and I got home just before 10.

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