Sunday, 2 March 2008

Sunday 2nd March 08

A very good start to the day as the children played on the computer with a free copy of Monopoly from a newspaper yesterday. Gill and I had some lovely time together and this was very healing.

I stayed in for most of the day, it was windy outside so not much inclined to go out, and I watched Countryfile whilst washing up and preparing fruit, had lunch and then we had to decide what our eldest was going to do. I had wanted them all to come to a LETS Social with Ben and Gill, just round the corner, as I thought that there would probably be some interesting things to do, and I wanted Ben and Gill to meet the boys and see what children were like. He got a phone call from a friend inviting him to go and play, and he decided to do that.

At 2, Gill and I and our youngest went to the LETS social, which was really good. Ben did have some fun stuff for playing with, and Gill the hostess had made cake and biscuits, and after we'd been there for a while, David turned up, and we had some good chats. However, after an hour and a half, I went as the veg shop would be closing soon and I wanted to pick up their compostables, four sacks today, perhaps 60 kg.

Our eldest came back at 6ish but wasn't in the mood to do his homework, which he'd refused to do on Saturday morning, when we'd asked him to do it. This caused a bit of a row and he did eventually do it after 8pm, after his bedtime, not a good thing really..

I had a busy evening researching e-democracy and online participation, plus green webhosts for my paid blog, and because of interuptions, got that written in by midnight.

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