Thursday, 2 June 2011

Wednesday 1st June 11

A good day, with a reasonably late start but once I'd got going, I got quite busy in the garden for a short time.

However, I had a decision to make... I need to go to Brunswick Organic Nursery, town to pay David's cheque in, pay my cheque in, pick up from Richard, take 3 sacks of clothes to a charity shop and go and buy a second pair of shorts from the Woodlands shop... Gill bought one pair yesterday and they fit perfectly, and there was a second pair there which Gill suggested I might like... or need...

So... I took the clothes to the Woodlands MS Respite shop and bought the shorts, for £1.50.  Then zoomed down to the Council office to pay David's cheque in.  Then to my Building Society to pay my cheque in.  Then via the lemon stall (donation of lemon halves) to Country Fresh where I did a little bit of shopping and loaded up my trailer and pannier rack with biodegradables. I came home and took some of the stuff down to the current heap.

I decided that there wasn't time to go to Brunswick, so I'll do that tomorrow.  After tea I walked to town with our eldest to attend the monthly Cafe Scientifique, which was a short talk from Professor Jonathan Reece, on various aspects of the subject of skin.  It included a bit about the genetics of skin and hair colour, and the way that DNA analysis allows us to see where people came from and where they travelled after leaving Africa.  A bit about sweating and body hair.  Quite a bit about UV radiation and skin damage, Vitamin D production and more.  It wasn't the best talk we've been to but it was still worth going.

Graham delivered the megaphone and walkie talkies to City Screen and I picked them up after the talk, and my son and I had some good conversations on the way home.

When I arrived home, Tony rang and we discussed the latest developments re the World Naked Bike Ride on Saturday.  I then wrote a letter to a participant who had contacted us, and did a variety of other bits and bobs. 

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