Sunday 6 June 2010

Sunday 6th June 10

A late start to the day, but as soon as I was awake I got busy with the Novaterium website, modifying some of Rory's map pin information and making the pages more usable. I didn't add any more woodland burial sites but I need to, to populate the UK map more completely.

But the rain stopped and I decided to cycle down to Country Fresh to deliver some more compost and to pick up the two boxes of 'resources' that I didn't take yesterday, due to my trailer being full of Fiddlesticks stuff.

Then I spent time down the garden loading up the smaller Compostumbler and a pallet bin, also doing some weeding - docks, before they set seed, and ground elder flowers, and then I decided to cut the Privet hedge at the front, and I put all the cut material through the shredder, making 3 sacks of good compostable stuff.

I had some leek and sweet potato soup, which Gill had let down with some soya milk, with some boiled potatoes and a blob of hommous.

Enjoyed 'The Sky At Night' as it is always just a bit too complicated for me to totally get my head around.

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