Monday, 14 July 2008

Monday 14th July 08

Gill took the kids into school, I got up as I had a tooth-cleaning appointment at 10, so went for that and to the Co-op Bank to put in York Green Festival cheques, and found out that they are going to have a stall at the Festival, which is excellent news.

Home in time to say goodbye to Linda who is off visiting friends and relatives.

Had a muck about on the internet, using the 'next blog' tool on the top of this blog... and came accross this one which has some really good artwork, street art and other visual stuff. Foreign language, but pictures in international language....

I picked up the children as Gill was in town and when I came back she was in, and preparing potatoes for tea. I did a bit of washing up and helping, and we ate together. I had picked our first cucumber of the year and it was delicious and crunchy.

Sometime after tea I put my laptop on abd Gill suggested I try out the new Futon which she's put together, and is now a sofa not a bed. I did... and tried to use my laptop whilst on it but it fell off and the screen broke (internally) and is completely unusable. I took it to Ben on the way down to the York Humanists meeting which was on 'peak oil' and he said he might be able to source me a second-hand screen to fit the still working computery bit.

The peak oil meeting was good, met my Green friend Andy and old friends Mick and Jane (not that they're old... just that I've known them a long time...) and a friend from long ago called Anne. I liked the way that the subject was presented, and the talk covered several related subjects including peak minerals, peak soil, peak water, peak food, even peak population! Fascinating. It's good to experience someone else's take on a subject you know fairly well yourself, as they always have a slightly different focus or angle, and phrase things differently, and this is good to help you see things from a different perspective.

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