Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Wednesday 19th September 07

Gill got the boys off to school, and soon after she came back we both went into town, I went to check on the progress of my new bike, collect compostables and put a cheque in, the City of York Council one which didn't manage to get to me via BACS. Got home in time for lunch, and then did a load of emailing.

The afternoon slipped by quickly and 3pm arrived, I cycled to school and picked up 3 boys, including a friend's child who had a ride home on my crossbar as his mum was in a job interview, and was due to collect him at 7pm. At 5pm I bombed down to Martin's veg emporium and collected a couple of sacks and a box of unsold produce, and cycled on to school to attend a meeting about my son's upcoming visit to Bewerley Park. It's his first time away from home without parents or family (he did have a few days with his grandparents a year or more ago) and he's very excited. The meeting lasted over an hour, and we had a presentation from Kate, who works at Bewerley Park, and saw photos of the activities.

Got back to the house for about 7, and put some stuff on the heap, and saw my friends, parents of our young guest this evening. I had tea and spent time on the computer.

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