Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Tuesday 27th March

I got my onions in this morning! Onion sets, on the allotment. 8 short rows, made straight with string and sticks, with the sets put in zig-zag style either side of the string. I broke the ground a bit before putting them in, just covered them with loose soil, and marked the spot with a short stick so I know where each one is. Then removed the string. I've some over, so I'll put some in the raised beds in the garden too.

At 2.45, walked to school with Gill to collect the boys and had ordered a taxi to go to Huntington, where our 9yr old was playing in a 'Tag Rugby' tournament. We took a picnic and made an event of it, as this is his first sporting outing. His team played three games and won them all, and were picked to go on further into the tournament. Joy oh joy, so glad as it will boost his self image, even though he didn't touch the ball or get a tag... he was part of the team, and that's important!

Got a lift back from a yummy mummy with a half-empty car, Gill came back with a ditto dad.

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