Thursday, 9 December 2010

Wednesday 8th December 10

Not that late a start, woken by 'cooped-up child noise'.  This is known as cabin fever by some, and indicates a need to get out of the house.

I had sent a message to Councillor James Alexander last night after I'd had a few fairly cryptic words spoken to me by Cllr. Dave Merrett about the balloon release... and I asked Cllr. Alexander if he had changed his plans to release the helium balloons?  Today I got a reply... and YES! Councillor Alexander had changed his plans, and was going to keep the balloons tethered.  A win.

Soon after midday, Sue came round to look through the SUMA catalogue, and spent about three hours looking through and making an order of 3 items, for £25.

I did a bout of chainsawing, chopping up 3 or 4 pallets, and then stacking dry logs and layers of pallet wood.

I went to buy a jar of coffee in the early evening, and found my bike back wheel had come off somehow, so I walked down to the Co-op with Sue, and when I came back (and she eventually went!) I sorted my bike out.  It has a quick release wheel which had, well, quick released.

I had the last of the squash soup for tea and then cycled off to Green Drinks at the 3 Legged Mare.  I was glad I went, as there was a new chap attending, called Kit, and if I hadn't had been there, he'd have wondered whether he was in the right place.  Anyway, we had a good chat, and then Graham arrived, and then Melanie, so it was a worthwhile meet up.

I came back via a logpile and was glad to warm up.

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