Friday, 24 December 2010

Thursday 23rd December 10

A late start, but woken by someone screaming as if there was a murder happening.  In fact, it was just a lego piece going missing.  Ah, the joys of parenthood!

The main thing I did today was to go to Sainsbury's with a shopping list from Gill and her Nectar Card which had accumulated about £30 worth of 'points'.  So I did a £24 shop which therefore cost me nothing... pasta, baked beans, tinned tomatoes, bread, cereals, goats milk... I got myself a treat too, a bottle of Irish Cream stuff which is like Baileys but cheaper.

On the way home I picked up a load of stuff from Freshways and then spent a bit of time loading a compost heap with some of the accumulated and mostly frozen fruit and vegetables.

Oh, I made tea too... a nutloaf made with waste bread and tomatoes, plus some broccoli and new potatoes.

Enjoyed a science programme with my eldest son.

Got an early night as tired and headachey.

1 comment:

Oddny said...

Hope you're ok tomorrow John.
Compliments of the season and all good wishes for the new year to yourself and your family.
PS I have a recipe for home made Baileys - if you would like it let me know :-)