Monday 9 February 2009

Monday 9th February 09

Gill took our youngest into school on foot, as it had snowed last night.

I was up and about by the time she got back, and we had a reasonably relaxing morning doing stuff around the house.

Got a message from my friend Gary Haq, who works at the Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York, telling me about his new blog which I think is very good. He's very knowledgeable and has contributed to lots of studies, and published lots of stuff. It's about 'Human Ecology', which is something I sometimes list as one of my interests, so it's good to read about Gary's take on what's going on.

Gill went to town to buy train tickets for a trip to Birmingham next week, half term, she's taking the boys to meet friends and visit a science centre called Think Tank, which looks really good.

I processed quite a large pile of logs... chainsawing and splitting, to replace the various stacks of logs which have kept this house warm over the past few cold weeks. The logs I'm preparing now will be ready to use in a year or perhaps two, depending on how well they dry. Different types of wood dries at different rates, and some I store under cover, out of the wet... other logpiles are just raised up off the ground and have air all around them (they might look as if they are stacked against the house, but I leave a gap between the wall and logpile).

Then it was time to go and get or youngest. I gave him a lift back, and he had a friend visit for an hour or two. A peaceful evening.

After a pasta and cauliflower tea, I cycled off down to the Friends Meeting House to go to the York Green Festival meeting. We had no agenda... so I constructed one and chaired the meeting. There were 19 of us there... an excellent turn-out. Several more job-posts got filled, including the music co-ordinator and the event co-ordinator too, which is really good! I feel we're really going somewhere now.

I popped into the Golden Fleece to book a meeting room for a co-ordinators meeting, and there will be another 'public' meeting at St John's College on 9th March.

Home soon after 10, Gill asleep in a chair after a tough evening managing our little darlings.


Anonymous said...

alright mate
it's your low carbon pal from Southend

stay cool

Compost John said...

Well Hello!
I didn't know I had a 'low carbon pal from Southend' but it's nice to know I do!
Cheers, stay warm (in as low carbon way as you can!)