Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Thursday 12th January 12

A good day, got up fairly early due to a bit of a commotion, and Gill took one of the boys to school on a bus.  The other went in a taxi. I made up my muesli before breakfast, then did some work outside, chainsawing and splitting various logs and trying to get the front clear, as I want to sieve the pile of sawdust, so I get sawdust for the compost toilet and bits of bark and twig for the compost heaps.

I also did some tidying in other places too, peeled waste plums for drying, washed up, sorted out some dates which were mixed in with other fruit, washed them and blanched them, and trayed them up for drying. Deleted loads of emails.  Got a phone call from someone from Leeds City Council just as I was about to reply to her email.  I agreed to meet her next week after I've donated platelets, and we'll chat about starting a Leeds Master Composter scheme.

During early evening one of the log piles collapsed,  or was caused to collapse.  Gill spotted some lads hanging around just beforehand, and I got a nuisance call at about the same time which I dealt with in my usual very polite way.  I deliberately never get abusive or upset, as the caller would love that, I'm sure.   Anyway, the pile only took 5 minutes to rebuild.

We had a family discussion about a diary/planner which I bought before Christmas and only arrived this morning.  It's an 'Elements' planner, and it's really nice... however I've already started using a 'wildlife in the garden' planner and so I think it will become a family diary.  It is full of great pictures of many elements from the periodic table, and fascinating facts about them too.

So, despite a tricky start to the day, it was productive and good.

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