Friday 2 September 2011

Thursday 25th August 11, Galtres Festival

I spent most of the morning getting ready for going to the Galtres Festival, where I've been asked to do the composting and two Professor Fiddlesticks shows.

I decided to cycle up to the festival, as it's only 15 miles, ie about 90 minutes gentle cycling, even with a trailer full of gear.  Also, the festival bus service doesn't start til Friday when the event starts.  But I wanted to go early as I needed to construct compost bins, using pallets that James said he'd make sure were available and wire and pliers I said I'd take with me.

I set off at about 3.30pm and got to Huby when my bike suddenly started making an odd noise so I stopped and found the nut on the back axle had fallen off!  I walked the bike on to a safe place to lean it up, and walked back along the road to try to find it.  Which I did.... but when I tried to put it back on, I found the nut had lost its thread and it didn't stay on, and the trailer hitch came off and axle slid out of the other side.  Nightmare!

However, I used some wire to hold things together which meant that I could wheel the bike easily, so I walked the last mile or so to the festival site.  I found James Houston, the 'main man' of the event, a friend of mine whom I've known since the early 1990s when he published an independent newspaper called The Journal.  He explained where the composting was due to happen and told me there were various pallets around on site which I could use.  The composting area was in the backstage area, the performers camping.

So I put my tent up and found my first few pallets, wiring together four vertical sides sitting on a single horizontal base.

Later, a bunch of set-up volunteers and organisers had a communal curry plus slices of fried giant puff ball mushroom.  Gill had provided me with a veg pastie and a cheese and onion pastie, which because of this unexpected meal, I didn't need, so I kept those for breakfast tomorrow.

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