Wednesday 31 October 2007

Tuesday 30th October 07

Not a brilliant day. Gill took the kids to school and then, as we were due to pay our TV licence today, so Gill went to the Co-op and interrogated the ATM (hole-in-the-wall-machine) only to find we had only £14 in the bank, and there should have been several hundred. This news made her very worried, we wondered if we'd been the victims of identity theft, been robbed...

However, a phone call to the bank told us what had happened. I had bought a new tumbler composter over the phone, a 'CompostFlow' 400, and they'd taken two lots of money not just one. I rang CompostFlow and they said, 'No, it can't be, one of them is the authorisation, the other is the money taken out'. So I rang the bank again and they confirmed two lots of money to the same company went out. So got back to the CompostFlow folks and asked if they'd replace the money. They said, send a statement to prove it. I asked them to look at their own bank details to prove it, but the chap insisted that I send something. I rang the bank again and asked if they could send a statement, they suggested my going to the York branch and getting a statement.

So I cycled down and went to my bank, got paperwork, went to the building society and got money out to pay the TV licence, and visited Out Of This World and Martin's for compostables.

I felt pretty low after this trip into town, but went to pick up the boys.

I had some time in the evening to reflect on a phone call which I had during the morning, from an old friend from teenage years, who's remained in touch with my sister, and has made contact with me again. It is amazing to be able to re-visit memories from so long ago, and to have a chance to put right some wrongs, well, not put right, but explain, apologise, and hopefully put a line under. Truly amazing, and all due to the computer and ability to reach out and communicate so easily.

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