Thursday, 23 February 2017

Tuesday 21st February 17

An early start as I wanted to get going on the lottie and get a good day's work in, but I'd agreed to see Daddy, so after a bowl of cereal at Anna's I went for a coffee with Daddy for 45 minutes. Then the lovely fast cycle down to the bottom of the valley and up the other side, arriving at the allotment in record time.

I had a great day, finishing the long border, apart from one end covered in logs and wood, and cut back a huge thicket of brambles.  Cookie called me and said to come for lunch at 2pm, so I stopped then and zoomed down to hers, and chatted with Danny and Ava, sorted some paperwork and had some ginger and black pepper soup which was just a bit too hot for me, despite being seasoned with beetroot.

I got the 4.19 train back and was home before 6pm, and then went to the Hull Road Ward Meeting with the Councillors and a small number of local citizens. Good meeting though.

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