Monday, 22 September 2008

Monday 22nd September 08

I took our youngest to school. I came back to have an interesting discussion with Gill about blogging, and then we were both invited to have a coffee with our friend and neighbour Maria, and some of the conversation continued there and Maria was able to put some of the issues into perspective which was good, and the chat helped us both.

Lunch with Gill and then down to the station to pick up a visitor from London who is up in this area because of business, but had booked to see YorkLETS members to offer us some software which should help us run the system quite a lot better. We walked through York, stopping for a coffee at El Piano, and then walked on to St Nicks as I had to have a chat to John about tomorrow's work I have there, with a bunch of school children who are visiting on an 'Eco Day'. I'm working 10 til 2 and we had to talk through what was needed re times and activities.

Then back home for a few minutes before walking round to Ben's to have a look through the software. We were impressed and will be debating the situation at the next Core Group meeting.
Our visitor had a bite to eat with me and Gill and then headed back down south, getting a lift to the station with Ben who drove down to collect his partner Jill.

Got a lovely email from a supportive friend regarding the turbulent times we've had this weekend. How good it is to have friends like we've got. Life would be much tougher without them.

Enjoyed watching Bruce Parry in the Amazon, despite all the puking. Started writing column on electrical stuff and gadgets but got distracted looking at energy websites and similar.

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