Friday 8 January 2010

Friday 8th January 10

A good day, relaxed but seemed to get a lot done. Gill rang me from town and woke me up (!) so I got up and made up the stove and did some woodpile building out at the front.. keeping warm is the priority at the moment!

But when Gill came home, she realised that our eldest had left something at home that he should have had at school, so I cycled it in... only to be told that they were finishing at 1.25 and he wouldn't need it.

So I went down to Country Fresh and then Freshways, and came back with an ENORMOUS load of compostables... just as soon as the snow goes, I'll have to make a new pallet heap for all these sacks and boxes of stuff, which are currently just frozen solid awaiting 'disposal'.

The boys were very excited and hyper as Gill has bought tickets for Avatar tomorrow.

I helped Gill make tea, roast potatoes and nutloaf and broccoli/cauliflower... simple and delicious.

I jarred up more bananas and later put 61 fresh ones on the stove drying racks.

A good day.

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