Monday 3 May 2010

Monday 3rd May 10

Woke at 11.30 due to my missing a night's sleep yesterday. I had a fairly quiet day, with just one visitor, a Freecycler who asked for some compost for a raised bed and I offered her a free sack... she came round with her enthusiastic little son and had a tour of the composting and left with 5 sacks. She works nearby and said she'd come back for some more, and pay me.

After this, I got a phone call from Rich at Country Fresh and he said he'd just sold the last of the compost I left with him, and could I bring some more please? So I loaded my trailer and panniers with bags of riddled compost and took it all down there. I was happy to take a couple of sacks of material away again, and came home via the St Nicks composting area, which needed some management. I spent just under an hour there.

Gill had made a rice and veg thing for tea, with local asparagus. Lovely.

Then at 7.15 I left for the monthly LETS meeting down at the Seahorse, and Ben and Lynn were there. I felt only half there. But I'm glad I went as I was able to explain the Social Fund concept, which seems to have dropped out of the way that YorkLETS operates, and we should (in my view) re-introduce this as it can be accommodated in the new LETS website, and it's a good thing to have. Also, at the end of the meeting, Ben showed me how to do 'predictive texting' on the mobile phone Gill has given me.

Got home at 10.30 with a pallet on the trailer, donated by a student house who had it put in their front garden as a prank. I put the recycling out as it is collected tomorrow morning.

Got hot water on the stove to wash up and did my usual evening computer-based activities.

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